Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Scary Mary

As anyone who knows me will be unsurprised to learn, I was raised by Mary Poppins. It was the seminal film within our house as kids. I watched it endlessly, or at least what seemed like endlessly - at least twice anyway.

Facebook has thrown up this little beaut, courtesy of Colm. It's very clever really, and I think it legitimately illustrates the concerns of a large group of people whom Mary Poppins scared the bejaysus out of.

What's really interesting about it is it shows how something can take on a different meaning when it is taken out of its original context. With a bit of clever editing, anything to be turned on its head; it's the essence of good propaganda. Note also, how important the music is. Mary's lullaby is used as a rouse, followed by those chaotic strings designed to make the heart beat faster. It's only a minute long, but it really is a very subtle and succinct creation.

I recently read the original book Mary Poppins by Pamela Travers. Once you read the book, you see that she wasn't as sugar coated candy sweet as Disney and Julie Andrews would make her out to be.

Hide the children.

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