Thursday, April 29, 2010

Us and Them

This is the transcript of Joseph O'Connor's radio diary, broadcast yesterday on Drivetime on RTE Radio One. (Yes, I've been brushing up on my touch typing!)

Funny old people the British, aren’t they? Honestly we have nothing in common with them. They have a surly and uncommunicative prime minister from whom the public did not vote; a disastrous recent history of financial scandal involving politicians and their astronomical expenses; a mighty serious recession necessitating a bailout of their banks. And what do you think they’re doing now, the mad rascals; only having an election, that’s what! Honestly, the British sense of humour! God between us, but isn’t it great that this eccentric idea hasn’t caught on over here.

Where would we be if we had to have a Taoiseach for whom we actually voted? An open debate on the vitally important issues leading to public approval at the polling stations, a government with a moral mandate to rule us. No, that kind of thing can be dangerous to a democracy. It’s much better to have the kind of system we have in Ireland, for as everyone knows it’s so deeply representative.

Yes, thousands of green party voters up and down the land voted for a Fianna Fail-led government with Mary Harney as health minister, propped up by Jackie Healy-Ray and a number of other independents who the political arm of Provisional Crystal Swing. As for NAMA - as we know, we have all been asked for our view, or we will be, or we might be, or we won’t be and I don’t see what could possibly be clearer or fairer than that. It’s what Pearse and Connolly died for.

In Britain, the Opposition is lead by a number of dynamic young men who are full of fresh and invigorating ideas for the future. But that won’t be happening here obviously. David Cameron of the Conservatives thinks government is too big, the National Health Service too inefficient and people really ought to do more for themselves. Although, as the writer Jeremy Hardy recently pointed out, doing your own heart transplant operation might be dicey. Mr Cameron attended Eton school and comes with a fair bit of baggage, most of it Louis Vuitton. Several of his shadow cabinet are also old Etonians, as is the Conservative Party Mayor of London, Mr Boris Johnston. And if you could imagine a country run by the D’Unbelievables but in cummerbunds, you would have a fair idea of the Tory future.

Then we have the Liberal Democrats - who are radical, but very nice. The kind of people who would like to storm the gates of Buckingham Palace, but offer to pay for the damage afterwards. David Cameron has been caught in the contradiction of trying to cosy up to them while remaining true to his roots. He began his campaign by preaching love, tolerance and unity; more recently he has come out strongly against scroungers of public money, the unemployed, social misfits and foreigners - the Royal Family in other words.

Finally we have the Labour Party, the only political entity on earth capable of actually stabbing itself in the back. As Social Democrats they believe in taking from the very rich to subsidize the very poor - an entirely ludicrous policy leading to economic collapse as we know. Here in Ireland we have socialism, but only for banks. We believe that when you raid the pension funds of people who have worked hard all their lives so that Irish bank executives can have the kind of retirement Lady Gaga would think excessive, you are actually rewarding the raw talent and intelligent business practices that have made modern Ireland the happy place it is today.

Yes, we can be proud of our many achievements. We may be a small country undergoing economic catastrophe, but we have Seamus Heaney, Gabriel Byrne, the beautiful cliffs of Moher, and the third highest paid prime minister in the world. That will bloody well show the Brits won’t it? Brian Cowen gets paid the same amount for ruling four million of us, that Gordon Brown gets paid for ruling sixty million of them. But when you think about it, we are a terrible unruly bunch altogether, so Biffo does fifteen times the work.

And tell me, can you name one British politician who has ever surrendered a lavish pension, as some of our own angels are doing this week? No, you can’t. It never happens in Britain. That’s because they don’t give serving politicians a pension in the first place, the tightwads. Bizarrely, over beyond, if Prime Minister Brown fails to win the election on May 6th, he will have to make do with his Member of Parliament salary, unaided by any astronomical payout the British people might give him just to soften the blow of their rejection. Yes, in Britain they cling to the daft idea that you shouldn’t have a pension until you retire; that a hundred grand a year is kinda enough for their leaders, and that unvouched expenses for politicians aren’t a great idea.

When will they ever learn, the silly moos! You don’t get talent like an Irish politician just anywhere after all, and if Padraig Flynn found it difficult running three houses on a salary of a hundred and twenty grand, we can only sympathise with some of his colleagues in their impossible task of running four homes on a quarter of a million. Sure they’re heroes really, God be good to them all - you’d think we could at least be grateful.

Joe O'Connor

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Past the crashed helicopter, turn left at the pile of frozen faeces and if you come to the body, then you've gone too far.

When one thinks about the top of Mount Everest, one usually imagines thin air, frostbite and sherpas. What one does not think of is discarded tents, oxygen cannisters and a couple of abandoned bodies. Amazingly, of the 300 people who have died on Mount Everest, only 150 bodies have been retrieved. Eeeck!

There has been a lot of media coverage during the week about the Eco Everest Mission to clean the top of Chomolungma. A team of 20 climbers have been dispatched to bring town over 2 tonnes of rubbish and a body. Tidy towns anyone?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Star

NASA has just released this image taken from the Hubble Space Telescope of a star being born. (Click on it to zoom in, it's a fairly gigantic image.) And in related news, today is my friend Stephen's birthday.

My God, creation is one big brown ugly mess. It actually looks like Jeyes fluid being dissolved into a bucket of water. I'm suddenly reminded of having a dog at home years ago. We used to have to wash down the yard with it (Jeyes fluid, not the dog.) Could the Big Bang just be the Creator doing a bit of housekeeping? Is the Milky Way merely a giant yard that just needed to be disinfected? Are planets just celestial dog poo?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Power and beauty

Booby Trap

(Thanks Jo.)

Fiona Shaw: What could I do? Should I do?

Fiona Shaw was interviewed in G2 during the week. I've just found it now, littering my desk, as a approach study. I'm a big fan of Fiona, having watched My Left Foot about eighty times in secondary school. I caught her in the Abbey two years ago for Beckett's Happy Days, which was an amazing production.

Two of her answers struck me. When asked what was the best piece of advice she was ever given, she said:

I do think often of that phrase from Samuel Beckett: "Fail again. Fail better." I gives you permission to do both.

And then picture this in terms of her most embarrassing moment on stage:

During a performance of London Assurance at the National, my bracelet got caught in my hair. [Actor] Simon Russell Beale tried very hard to unpict it, but I had to dance offstage with my hand stuck to my head.

Also, I'm delighted to see that she's a Philosophy graduate from Cork. Just goes to show that dreams can be followed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spy school

Imagine you were attending a course in espionage and covert activity.
Imagine you were doing a drug trafficking module.
Imagine the word "mule".

Imagine finding this in the bathroom.

Women banned from singing?

That's ok - just buy a young boy and castrate him - instant soprano.

Horrific mutilation for musical effect, the orchestra director describes it has "heavenly and beautiful" but I'm not sure I'd agree with him. Let us remember that these children were SOLD to the Church and they were mutilated. For what? For God? For music? For art?

Thank God the practice has been abolished.

Wall to wall bastards.

The Onion reports today that China is on course to replace the United States as the world's number one asshole.

Now if you're offended by gratuitous coarse language, you probably shouldn't click the link, but here's a taster, just to make your eyes burn.

"Although the U.S. will remain among the worlds two or three biggest cocks through much of this century, we can now confidently project that China, with its soaring economic growth, ever expanding cultural influence, and total disregard for basic human rights, will overtake America as King Prick Numero Uno within the next 10 years."

We'll all be cursing in Chinese by 2020.

Not so big brother will track you down.

This is the story of an American guy who remotely tracked his iPhone after it was stolen in LAX, It's fascinating, because it shows how easy it is for every single digital movement to be tracked. It's also very scary, because big brother is watching.

Have a read down through the article and see what he found. He was able to quote the thief's address, family details, car registration, who he called, where the phone was, where he slept... Scary!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pushing up property prices.

This came in the door today.

Such nice burgulars; warning us of their arrival.

Now I'm off to nail down the furniture.

The Good Book

Philip Pullman was interviewed in G2 today.

He has risen to notoriety since the release of his latest get atheist work, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. Philip is not shy of taking a few shots over the bows of established religion, as readers saw in his earlier His Dark Materials trilogy.

I do plan on reading it, but first I've to finish Dracula and I think that it's only fair to read the book having actually read the source material on which it is based. So I'll be delving into the Bible first.

If you'd like to read a review of the book, you can find it here - reviewed by none other than the Archbishop of Canterbury - Rowan Williams.

Also he's after finding a really nice use for the word "wretched" - "I hope the wretched Catholic Church will vanish entirely." To quote the words of A. Pope - hope springs eternal.

If a man lieth with a mouse, than it is an abomination and both man and mouse shall be put to death.

Yeah, that's right. Mice. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

The guy involved appears to be a bit of a character, so to speak - in so much as he was caught smuggling $34 million worth of cocaine.

But it wasn't only mice, it also featured dogs and horses. And one man who was filmed riding a horse (geddit) actually died from the injuries that he received.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

The source of the trouble

It turns out that many of my friends are a right shower of travellers, something I that was made clear to me this weekend when they couldn't get out of Dublin airport. Apparently a volcano in Iceland is having a bit of a "moment", God love it.

I loved the Irish Times headline which reported continued "airline chaos" as every plane in Europe was grounded. I've just looked up a definition of "chaos" and I've been offered "complete disorder and confusion" (some would say that seems like the average day in Dublin Airport.) In my book however, airline chaos would surely more accurately imply thousands of planes falling out of the sky and multiple grisly accidents all over Western Europe. We we have at the moment is peace and tranquility, and sure there's always the boat.

So I've just been on to my little Icelandic gay, Thorhallur Haftthorsson, to find out what all the fuss is about. So here it is, the news in Iceland.

Also, isn't Icelandic a beautiful language? Listen to the way it's just hocked off the tongue.

Getting around

With the UK Generel Election looming, David Cameron has been out and about, meeting real Britons, trying to appeal to the nation to vote Conservative. Well over the course of his travels, he's been meeting some really interesting people.

If you'd like to find out who David meet last week, you can click here.

(Thanks Brian.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Ah no, no, I've got my Pilates tonight"

Johnston, Mooney and O'Brien have come up with fantastic sequel to this ad.

It features the two boys actually eating their sandwiches:

Son: "Is avacado a fruit or a vegetable?"
Father: "I'll google it later."

Complaint's Department

I saw this billboard on the side of a building in Wellington, New Zealand last year.
(Click on the image to zoom in and look at the website address)


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seperated at birth

Niamh was in town shopping yesterday when she spotted Anne Doyle in Dunnes Stores. That's right! Anne Doyle, off the telly!

It turns out that this fabulous gay-icon of rogue pronunciations i.e. "s-ex-u-al" - lives, breathes and even shops amongst us mere mortals. For a moment, Niamh and Anne's eyes meet, and they both acknowledged that we were working the "power blonde" look.

Then it hit Niamh - maybe it wasn't Anne at all, but someone even more fabulous - could it be that she'd just seen Lady Gaga?

Birthday Cake

Made by Mammy with love, decorated in a mix of Arabic and Roman numerals.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We thought we'd seen it all

And then came porn for blind people.

I kid you not - a porngraphic magazine for the blind was launched yesterday. It features seventeen images in low releif and dirty captions in Braille.

The creator of the project said that she made the book after realizing that the "blind have been left out in a culture saturated with sexual images."

I suppose this brings equality of opportunity to previously unseen levels.

My birthday choir karaoke

Today is my birthday and in totally unrelated news, it's Messiah Day. Handel's Messiah was first performed on this day on Fishamble St 262 years ago. Now my age is a closely guarded secret, yet suffice to say 262 could be overstating the matter, just slightly.

Here are some Chinese people singing the Hallelejah Choras. Watch it in HD on fullscreen and sing along. You know you want to.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Gay Makeover

A little bit of fairy dust (and photoshop) goes a long way.

Turning this:

Into this:

God hates photocopiers

No, of course he doesn't. But he has a wicked sense of humour.

(Thanks Laoise.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Going Dutch

Tulip feilds in Holland. That is all.

Once upon a time

They actually had to advertise text messages to Irish people. They would be the "next big thing" or so we were told, yet they never took off... At decade later and I touch-text, ask any of my friends; they have sore thumbs trying to keep up with me.

Esat Digifone made this amazing ad for it though. The lovely Louth accent was a nice touch.

Love architecture

Edward Monkton's take on affairs of the heart and the mind.

(Thanks Aoife.)

Friday, April 9, 2010

She really should have seen it coming

The Irish Independent reports today on a physic who failed to foresee her imminent redundancy.

"It came completely out of the blue". You've just got to laugh.

(Thanks Dad.)

Even the LGBTorys are voting Labour

At first, I couldn't believe that LGBTory could exist. This is the party of Section 28 and other nasty homophobic legislation. Surely they couldn't actually have a gay support base, never mind gay organisations urging ordinary folk to support a Tory government. What's next? LGBT Jihad? The Legion of Marys? Oh wait...

Well anyway, it didn't take long for the whole enterprise to fall apart, as the leader of the LGBTory group has now spoken out, urging gay people not to vote Tory, but to go as far as to vote Labour:

"It's been in my head for a while to speak out, but the Chris Grayling issue has made me realise that a year-and-a-half ago, I was someone who was standing up and telling gay people that they should vote for Mr Cameron. But I became disillusioned after meeting one too many people in that party who were not like what the leader was saying the party was about."

So have the Tory Party changed? Or do they still maintain their old bigoted ways?

Well in order to find out, a Facebook Flashmob is planned for this Sunday, when David Cameron will be set upon by a mob of gays who will ask him the hard questions.

Nothing compares 2 this

La Gateau Chocolat performs at the Annual Travesty of Glamourous Despair (AMI) this year. Amazing.

(Thanks Panti.)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

There are 52 hot ginger men in my kitchen!

I'm in heaven.

If you would like to taste a little bit of ginger heaven, then you can join homo-hiking for the Out and About 20th Anniversary hike in Glendalough this Sunday. Meeting at Earlsfort Terrace at 10am. It's gonna be a baking extravaganza!

What's in a uniform?

(Thanks John.)

Like shooting fish in a barrel

During the heavy snow our pond froze over and all of the water lilies died. Then the fish were starved of oxygen and five of them died. Niamh and I then built a funeral pyre for them and gave them a good pagan send off.

The same thing has happened in Minnesota on a considerably larger scale, as seen in the image above. I wonder how are they gonna get rid of several tonnes of dead fish? If I see Minnesota pollock on special offer in Superquinn next week, I'm gonna be very suspicious.

They brought it on themselves

According to the Bishop of Tenerife, the children who were sexually abused by clergy of the Catholic Church in the Canaries, have only themselves to blame. According to his Eminence, abuse happened because "there are children who consented to it."

It's get better though - the bishop made this pronouncement on Christmas Eve as his Christmas message. Imagine!

He then went on to bang on about the gays leading to the demise of Western Civilisation, but I'm sure the congregation were so shocked about his comments regarding the kids that this went straight over their heads.

I wonder what would Jesus make of all of this. I'd like to meet him - have a chat, maybe go for a pint. I'm sure he wouldn't approve of many things about me, but I'm sure being a big queer isn't one of them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Egyptian Pictionary

There will be a prize for anyone to can figure this out.

(Hint - winner brings me to dinner.)

As regards dating, QI offers us this, explaining the story of the first recorded date:

The first date in literature appears in the 5,000-year-old Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. In order to tame Enkidu, a Tarzan-like wild man who is terrorising his people, the king Gilgamesh sends Shamhat, a beautiful prostitute. There was no question of first date nerves. They meet at a waterhole where "Shamhat loosened her undergarments, and he took in her attractions". He goes on to drink seven jars of beer, eats bread for the first time and the couple spend a week in bed. As a result, Enkidu decides to shave, clean himself up and get dressed in clothes for the first time. Rejected by his former animal friends, he accompanies Shamhat to the city, "having acquired wisdom"

What have 38 out of 53 African countries got in common?

Consensual gay sex between adults is a criminal offence.

As I'm sure some of you will know, Uganda is currently making homosexuality a crime punishable by hanging (cue the well-hung jokes). Unfortunately that is the mindset in some places in the world today.

This article, carried in the NZ Herald, investigates the lives of some gay people living in Africa. It makes for fairly grim reading. It is fascinating though, and well worth a look in.

I'd love to go to Africa some day, especially the Ethiopian highlands and I'd love to hike Kilimanjaro - I'd better straighten up first!

It gets better

I found this this morning. It's even better than the Budweiser one!

The song is All Together Now performed by The Hours. Apparently it's an old Beatles song, as a closing track for Yellow Submarine. Budwater commissioned it especially for their ad, so you won't find it anywhere else.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's like the news for the deaf, on speed.

This Budweiser ad caught my eye earlier. Fantastic and fun! Pity the beer itself so awful.

International Relations

Heaven is:

Where the police are British
The chefs Italian
The mechanics German
The lovers French
And it's all organised by the Swiss.

Hell is:

Where the police are German
The chefs are British
The mechanics French
The lovers Swiss
And it's all organised by the Italians.

Ireland returns to a feudal society

In today's Irish Times, Fintan O'Toole explains how Ireland has become feudal once more.

"Our ancestors had their rents raised when their absentee landlords lost fortunes at the gambling tables of London and Paris. After a century and a half of struggle, we've landed ourselves back in precisely the same position of servitude."

A little bit of sunshine

"Where's your grandpa right now?"
"In the trunk of our car."

Do you know where your grandfather is? Are you missing a 91 year old man in a wheelchair? Well a corpse matching this description was checked-in to from Liverpool to Berlin today. Two women have been arrested for trying to smuggle a body out of John Lennon airport.

Do you remember that scene in Little Miss Sunshine when they steal Grandpa's body from the hospital? Well it turns out it wasn't all that far from the truth. I couldn't find that exact scene, so just sit back and relax to this one instead.

Spot the difference

I recently started using Picasa, which has facial recognition technology. It's absolutely terrifying. Not only is Big Brother watching you, he's also looking at all of your photographs, tagging all of the faces within them (including the crowds in the background) and then locating them on Googlemaps.

I really don't know how to feel about the whole thing. Amazing technology, but really scary at the same time.

However, it's not perfect. Look at the two photographs above. One is two plugs in a socket with a toaster and one is an Irish male. Picasa thinks they are the same thing. Maybe Picasa is on to something.


For a while there, it appeared the the word "random" was the enemy of the English language. Adjectives disappeared and were replaced by this bland and slightly confusing term. Suddenly everything was random; "OMG that's so random!" girls with orange faces and messy hair would cry.

I found this really perplexing. Surely the Lottery is random, as is jury selection. Most other things in life have some type of order to them.

Then random was applied to human beings. No longer were there people; only randomers. It was Newspeak at its best.

Thankfully now the threat of random armageddon appears to have abated. But random has not gone away, it's still lurking, bidding it's time - plotting the demise of the English language from Random HQ.

These dog days are oh-ho-ver

Move over Commandment I (oh for Heaven's sake, look it up!) The ginger goddess is back and this video is more heavenly than one could ever have imagined. Behold the second coming and rejoice! It's so pagan - you just gotta love it!

I hope to God that Dermot Ahern isn't reading this blog, otherwise this post has just cost me a fortune.

Plan to straighten out entire life during first week of Easter holidays yields mixed results.

Last week was the week that all of the shit I'd been putting off all year - big and small - was going to get done. Well did it?

Insightful as ever, the Onion has swooped in on me last week and produced this Special Report.

Gay sheep

I spotted this pair on the Comeraghs. Now you know where candy floss comes from.

Monday, April 5, 2010

21 again

It's that time of year again: my birthday is fast approaching (a week from today). And so I thought it would be nice to have some Johnny Logan.

Now I know some of you will be puzzled as to what exactly would make the perfect birthday gift. Like honestly, what do you get for the guy who has it all. Well, to stop the creases from becoming further embedded into your brows, I've made it easy for you. See below:

Climb every mountain

Well folks it's been a fantastic hiking weekend in the south east. I've knocked 10 of the top 100 off my list:

Mount Leinster 795m
Knockmealdown 794m
Fauscoum 792m
Knockmoylan 786m
Carrignagower 767m
Knockanaffrin 755m
Coumfea 744m
Blackstairs Mountain 730m
Coumfea North Top 73om
Seefin 726

This took in three fantastic ranges, the Blackstairs (yellow), the Comeraghs (purple) and the Knockmealdowns (green). In order to reacquaint you with your primary school geography, I've put a little coloured dot on all of the peaks.

N.B. This is a topographical map of Ireland with black denoting lowland areas. Looks cool, doesn't it! Click on the image and you'll zoom into it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's gonna be quiet around here for the next few days

I'm off down to Waterford early in the morning to start climbing 11 of the 100 highest mountains in Ireland. It's a weekend-long crusade which will be taken on by a small but brave legion of marys. Expect blister photographs early next week. It's now Good Friday and I'll be off. Due to reappear again on Sunday - now who does that remind you of?

And on that blasphemous note, I shall leave you with this.

Happy Easter, even if you did say Jehovah!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April (Snow) Showers

I went for a walk yesterday so see the snow on the hills down around Ballymore. The Wicklow Mountains looked lovely - like giant mounds of flour.

The sounds of summer

An icecream van came flying down my road at about 50kmph earlier, blaring a nursery rhyme. You'd want to be Hussein Bolt to catch it, who else could get two 99s in under 10 seconds.

Anyway, it made me think of this great Boots ad. I love the moment with the ice-cream vans tearing through the crossroads. Superb!

Who can refuse the great British "Voice of Authority"?

A BBC April Fool's report from 1957. Just goes to show that with the right accent, you can get away with anything.

Mr. Brown

The British Labour Party are considering launching these fun new posters that talk up Gordon Brown's hard-man image.

Imagine were we do to the same in Ireland. Now there's an idea...

Update: This was an April Fool. I thought as much. However, it does make a wonderful image for a t-shirt.