Google Street View went live for Dublin during the week and I'm just after seeing this little article in the Irish Times. Apparently two young fellas, with little else to do with their time, exposed their bare arses to the Streetview camera car as it drove past. The result is a full moon on a fine sunny day in Ballinteer.
Apparently people have being going wild about it on Twitter, with directions being given how exactly to find the house. Google have stepped into the furore, and blurred out the offending buttocks.
I have never used Streetview before, but I must have a wee gander at it now and see if my house comes up on it. I wonder what the weather was like and who was out walking on the day that they did my road. A lot of my friends tend to get lost in Drimnagh, saying that "it all looks the same". Maybe street view will be a remedy for that, at least they can practice getting here before they even leave home.
UPDATE: I've just looked at my house on Streetview and I deduced this much:
- It was summer. My car is parked in the driveway. I only have the car during the summer.
- It was last year. The dead stumps of the trees are still on the street, the Council hadn't replanted them yet.
- It was Friday. My neighbours have their recycling bins out.
- The weather was overcast and generally miserable; sounds like last summer alright.
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