I'm not really sure what to make of Google. Is it a benevolent force or am I just giving a major corporation endless ammunition? Who knows? I must certainly did not read the small print, despite ticking the box to the contrary. It probably doesn't pay to spend too much time thinking about these things; ah sure, it's all a big conspiracy really...
I use google daily; it supports my email and it hosts this blog. Incidentally, next week when I register for university, I will be given a @tcd.ie email address, which will also work off the Gmail platform. So whether I like it or not, Google and I are inextricably linked. Were we to part ways in the morning, it would be a rather messy and painful breakup.
Google is constantly modifying it's service and now one can select an image for one's home page. I've chosen this one; I call it the "Three Little Pigs" and I think that it strikes the right note between utter gayness and financial prudence.
The latest thing they they are offering is Google Instant (which isn't available in Ireland yet). This is suggested search technology that instantly brings up multiple results, dependent on the characters typed - now there's no longer any need to hit the search button. Apparently it saves about 3 seconds per Google search, and that makes it "better". I dunno, I'm not convinced.
I quite like to go to Google and frame my question; i.e. think for a moment about what I am going to ask the oracle, rather than just chucking random words at it and rummaging through the results. I have never been a huge fun of suggested searches coming up when I start typing in the search bar. To be honest it kinda creeps me out, for the computer is taking note of everything I do; it is digitally and psychologically profiling me. For example, I often ask Google a question, beginning with "how do I..." and sometimes the suggestions are rather alarming! For instance:
How do I know I'm pregnant
How do I know if I'm depressed
How do I get my PPS number
How do I register with Fás
This would lead us to believe that I am a young girl, possibly pregnant, that I am unemployed, with rather limited prospects and I'm necking Prozac in order to cope with this grim reality. Google, you know me so well!
Sometimes the suggested searches throw me from what I originally went on to search for.