Friday, July 9, 2010

It's in

Well it's gone through the Seanad. Civil Partnership is the new reality. We just need Mary to sign it in up at the Áras so that other Marys can sign up and take it up the...

I would like to quote a senior civil servant (who shall remain anonymous) who rather tongue-in-cheek announced that [he] "welcomes the passing of the Civil Partnership Bill and encourages married people everywhere to downgrade their marriages to Civil Partnerships in the name of equality!"

Also I'd like to thank Rachel for this rather succinct and disturbing summation of the differences between Civil Partnership in Ireland and Civil Partnership (effectively marriage in all but name in the UK):

"The civil partnership here is a lot different to the one in the UK. Here we only really have succession and kinship rights. We arent allowed be considered a family, or adopt, or even be considered a step-parent. Even if we marry abroad those marriages wont be recognised the minute we step off the plane. We will no longer be spouses; we will be considered to be civil partners."

Now if you've road frontage and you're interested in sharing, please send a CP and stamped addressed envelope to the Legion...

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