The queen is dead; long live the queen! - not if the hoards of angry gays at last Sunday's AMI had anything to do with it.
Firstly, may I bend my knee toward our new monarch, Miss Peaches Cream (possibly our youngest ever Queen Cailin). She was crowned amid great unrest amongst the peasants. I've never seen an AMI be brought to a close so quickly. It was a case of drop tabs and drop the safety curtain. Probably a good idea to put a layer of lead between the crew and the audience - who looked like they were going to start throwing in furniture.
In retrospect the judges' decision was entirely right. Whereas Opus Gei had been a very strong contender in Daywear and Swimwear, she bombed in Eveningwear. Not that the crowd would have told you that; they were too busy looking at her hot near-naked backup dancers. And unfortunately for Opus, that was all they were looking at. Her Eveningwear performance was unmemorable. I can't recall what she sang, and apparently neither could the judges. For at the end of the day, the focus must be one the contestant, and not on her incredibly hot backup dancers. It's a pity, for she was an excellent act, with excellent production values. Unfortunately for her, her director made the wrong call with her final number.
As a by the by, Miss Panti was excellent as ever and one was delighted with the standard of this year's interval acts the DC Cowboys and Chocolate Gateux. Time to take down the tinsel and put away the tree until next year. Well done Peaches! Long live the queen!
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