Monday, March 29, 2010

Putting the Jo in Djouce

With the hour going forward this morning - ha! a rare example of something actually "going forward" I woke up at 8.57, old time. I then rang Dermot and asked him what time was it really: 7.57 and I was fine, 9.57 and there would be no hiking for me. Alas, it proved to the latter. Fortunately I managed to bring Jo out to Djouce yesterday afternoon. And here are the pics to prove it.

Notice how Jo goes from smiling at the start of the walk, to exhausted at the summit and then smiling beneath the mutiny on the way back. Great fun.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, love you too sparks ya clever clogs : P . There was i indulging in a little harmless light musical comedy when i notice this 'threat' in your sidebar.


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